What is the purpose of my blog?  This blog is for the purpose of my CMST 275 (Online Communication) course that I am taking at South Seattle Community College.  As part of the required curriculum, I have started my blog in order to learn more about Blogger, demonstrate my blogging skills as they progress and interact with my fellow classmates and teacher.

Want to know a little bit more about me?  I'm a Seattle native, went to Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences for high school and graduated in 2007.  I attended the University of Arizona in Tucson for two years, before deciding to travel to Central America.  I planned on being there for two months, but two months turned to 8 months and before I knew it I had been living in Honduras for nearly a year earning my PADI diving certification through Utila Dive Centre and eventually teaching tourists how to scuba dive as well as managing the shop bar.

Why am I taking CMST 275?  I am currently taking online courses at SCCC and the University of Washington in order to complete my Bachelor's in Communication, while still being able to work as a Social Media Manager/Marketer.  I recently started my own lifestyle/fashion blog called W by HARRIS - feel free to check it out...I love gaining new readers, viewers and followers.  All support is welcome!

What are my hobbies?  I love food, hip hop, live music, scuba diving, traveling, reading, meeting new people and blogging.

I hope everyone enjoys my blog - I'm looking forward to seeing the blogs of my classmates and teachers, as well as learning more about blogging in general...



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